Proposed House for the Principal,
Swimming Pool and Changing Rooms.
Architecture | Interior Design | Project Management
Proposed House for the Principal,
Swimming Pool and Changing Rooms.
Location: Jabavu Road, Jitegemee Flats, F1 Kilimani.
Address: P.O Box 27644 – 00506, Nairobi
Tel: 020- 2719086/ 2711522
We employ a sustainable approach to design, commencing with an in depth study of the Client's requirements, and the project's unique site and environmental conditions. This enables us to conceive a solution... +readmore
Location: Jabavu Road, Jitengemea Flats, F1 Kilimani.
Address: P.O Box 27644 – 00506, Nairobi
Tel: 020- 2719086/ 2711522