Architecture | Interior Design | Project Management



We aim  to deliver aesthetically pleasant buildings both internally and externally that meets all our clients' functional, dimensional, technological and financial requirements working collaboratively with the Client and other Consultants in the design team.
Interior Design

Interior Design

We enhance the interiors of a space or building, to achieve a healthy, vibrant, functional and more aesthetically pleasing environment best suited for the end user.
Project Management

Project Management

Our leadership skills are key and ensure the delivery in the most effective and efficient manner achieved by careful planning, constant monitoring and adherence to the high standards from Inception through to the project’s logical conclusion.

Starting a Project?

Take the first steps towards achieving your goals now with the best in Kenya.

Our Approach

We employ a sustainable approach to design, commencing with an in depth study of the Client's requirements, and the project's unique site and environmental conditions. This enables us to conceive a solution... +readmore

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Contact us

Location: Jabavu Road, Jitengemea Flats, F1 Kilimani.
P.O Box 27644 – 00506, Nairobi
020- 2719086/ 2711522

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